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6.3 Defence against infectious disease

IB Syllabus Statements


  • The skin and mucous membranes form a primary defence against pathogens that cause infectious disease.

  • Cuts in the skin are sealed by blood clotting.

  • Clotting factors are released from platelets.

  • The cascade results in the rapid conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin by thrombin.

  • Ingestion of pathogens by phagocytic white blood cells gives non-specific immunity to diseases.

  • Production of antibodies by lymphocytes in response to particular pathogens gives specific immunity.

  • Antibiotics block processes that occur in prokaryotic cells but not in eukaryotic cells.

  • Viruses lack a metabolism and cannot therefore be treated with antibiotics. Some strains of bacteria have evolved with genes that confer resistance to antibiotics and some strains of bacteria have multiple resistance.

Applications and skills:

  • Application: Causes and consequences of blood clot formation in coronary arteries.

  • Application: Florey and Chain’s experiments to test penicillin on bacterial infections in mice.

  • Application: Effects of HIV on the immune system and methods of transmission.


Intro to Disease

Defense Against Disease

Blood clotting

Disease - First and Second Lines of Defense


HIV, AIDS, Antibiotics, Florey and Chain

Causes of blood clot formation




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Topic 6.3 Defence against infectious disease HookED SOLO Hexagons

Topic 6.3 Defence against infectious disease SSaQ (Syllabus Statements as Questions)

  • Why wouldn't Florey and Chain’s tests on the safety of penicillin be compliant with the current protocol on testing?

  • What acts as primary defenses against pathogens that cause infectious disease?

  • Outline how cuts in the skin are healed, starting with clotting factors being released from platelets.

  • Explain how non-specific immunity to diseases is achieved.

  • Explain how specific immunity to diseases is achieved. Include a discussion of lymphocytes, memory cells and plasma cells.

  • Compare the use of antibiotics on prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.

  • Why can't viruses be treated with antibiotics?

  • Explain how some strains of bacteria are resistant, or have multiple resistances, to antibiotics.

  • Outline the causes and consequences of blood clot formation in coronary arteries.

  • Explain Florey and Chain’s experiments to test penicillin on bacterial infections in mice.

  • Outline the effects of HIV on the immune system, resulting in the development of AIDS, and methods of transmission.

  • Why is international coordination and communication important in the spread and containment of diseases?

  • What has been a benefit of understanding immunity?

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